Importance of Right Packaging for FMCG Products

 People judge products based on their external appearance. And can be clearly seen on the shelves of retail stores. In the case of buying behaviours of consumers for FMCG products. The desire to purchase highly depends on the product's packaging. Globalparachem is a best Packaging company in India.

Purpose of Packaging

Marketing goes beyond the appearance of your brand. Packaging has many essential applications for any brand along with marketing:

This is the main reason for packaging. It protects the product from the damage caused by sun dust, temperatures, and contaminants. It also protects against the loss of nutritional value, such as the denaturing of proteins, the fat oxidation, etc. The packaging preserves the hygroscopic quality of the food item.

One of the essential functions is to convey information about products, which will aid consumers in making decision efficiently. A good example of such important information is the labeling of food. The trend toward healthy eating has highlighted how important it is to label food that gives consumers the chance to think about alternatives and make educated choices. Additionally, ever-changing mandatory requirements require certain details to be made available to the consumer by the producer.

Transport & Logistics:
Goods have to be moved through distribution, storage and stored during their journey from the point of production to consumption. Packaging provides toughness and durability, which means the products can withstand transport pressure and make managing the goods easier for everyone that are.

To ensure that there isn't any tampering with the packaging of the product is essential. The packaging of a product will protect the item from alteration or foreign element. Good packaging will lessen the chance of theft.


It's the age of new packaging innovations and advances that increase efficiency, usability, and environmental sustainability is always welcomed. A few examples include Kissan jam tubes which eliminate spoons from the kitchen; Act-II popcorn microwave pack, Bru coffee containers that have aroma lock.


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